Saturday, February 20, 2010

10 months

Dearest CW,

I cannot believe you are 10 months today. It's all happening way too fast. You have grown leaps and bounds this month and are doing so many new things.
You are on the move. Nothing is out of your reach...if you want something, you do the army belly crawl or climb into my lap to persuade me to prop you against the couch so you can cruise along the edge or go for something you shouldn't touch (Blackberry, remote, hot coffee, cords, cell phone, water bottle, etc.) You love to hold onto Mommy or Daddy's hands and practice walking. You are're not afraid to let go and move to the next piece of furniture and falling doesn't phase you much. 
You're such a good little eater (see evidence above). You pretty much eat anything I offer you, unless it's that weird eggplant dinner I made the other night (sorry, I don't blame you). You're getting very good at eating table food. You love bread & cheese and even tried a pretzel today! 
It makes me kind of sad, but you don't need me to hold your bottle anymore. I prop you up on a pillow and you just go for it. Such a little man. I guess starting you on the sippy cup early payed off!
You're very easy going and full of energy. It doesn't bother you when someone takes your just look for another. And unless you're tired, you're always game for a fun activity like swimming. I'm so glad you love to swim because I do too! I can't wait for us to discover fun things we like to do together. I hope you like art as much as I do...I can't wait to finger paint with you, teach you how to draw and create whatever your imagination dreams up! I'm busy designing your new "big boy" room and it will most certainly include an art table with lots of fun materials!
Your smile and laugh are contagious. That toothy grin just makes me melt. I think you look like your Grammie when you smile...she has a beautiful, infectious smile as well! Sometimes things are only funny once to you, but the one thing that always makes you laugh is when I hide and bounce up out of nowhere like Tigger. It gives me a workout, but it makes you laugh hysterically and that puts a smile on my face!
Your little personality is starting to shine through and you're such a great kid. We just love you to pieces.


1 comment:

  1. sarah, that was beautiful! makes me so excited for lucy to be 10 months old! what a wonderful mother you are :)
