Ok, this product has been touted in pretty much every style magazine lately, but I'd like to give it another shout out. It's the only hair product I'm not sorry I bought from the salon. Yep, I'm that girl...once the stylist is done with me I want to know exactly everything she used so I can replicate it at home. But we all know that never works. It's the same thing with beauty counters. Being a graphic designer, I'm drawn to the slick packaging and marketing ploys like a moth to a flame. Somehow I always end up with purple eyeshadow when all I came in for was gloss.
But this delivers. It smells incredible and takes me back to my 8th grade hippie girl days when I shopped at Picasso Moon and wore velvet mary janes...you remember. It doesn't weigh my hair down either, which is no small feat for my fine, pin-straight hair. Just apply a bit to the ends for a super silky blowout. I also feel that it is single handedly responsible for making my highlights stretch this long (going on 5 months now). So there you have it. Tout tout.
I have tasted of the moroccan oil as well. Sadly, it is a necessary element to combat my heinously over-processed lockage and not a luxury. I take joy in highlights that last- way to go!